Writing isn't something we choose, exactly. Becoming an author leads to a world of heartbreak-- I doubt any of us would willingly sign that endless loop of misery. Rejections pile up as quickly as overdue bills. Beta readers offer critiques even more vicious than the self-composed ones we daily entertain (and, trust me, that bar is very high, considering that most authors are viciously insecure about their literary works).
Yet we persist in this realm that is so devastating. Intimidating. Hopeless.
The odds are stacked against us, especially as small indie authors lacking the huge advantages of famous, celebrated novelists. We know this, and still we write. Why bother? Why keep torturing ourselves?
I believe it's a calling, albeit a painful one. The words spill from our soul, an outward expression of emotions and past/future interactions and creative visions brewing within. Writers are the feelers of this world. We absorb our environment, soaking up every solitary aspect, from the difficult to the breathtaking to the utterly mundane. We reflect on these things. Extrapolate them. Play around with the timing, meaning, purpose, and wonder of this strange existence that provides few--if any-- concrete answers.
All this to say, I'm not giving up. As long as inspiration strikes me, I will be sharing that experience with anyone willing to receive it. There are stories to be crafted, tales of powerful love and equally powerful loss...and everything in between.
I want to support my fellow indie authors. We face so many blinding disadvantages, so I would like to offer a tangible advantage someday. My dream is to start an indie nonprofit bookstore. Readers could discover authors they would not have found otherwise. Indie novelists would have a brick-and-mortar building showcasing their books. And, best of all, the proceeds would go toward rescuing animals. The euthanasia rate is out of control here in Florida, and I intend to change that. I've been working closely with three amazing nonprofits. One by one, we are saving dogs and cats from a horrific, unjust fate on "death row" at the local animal shelter. If I can create my own 501(c)(3), I can have an even bigger impact on these sweet animals who deserve a chance at a life worth living.
My Etsy shop is one way I fund this long-term dream. Crafting offers stress relief. Each sale helps me continue the crucial, and often costly, work of saving lives. Feel free to peruse my items and contact me with any questions, suggestions, feedback, etc. I'd love to hear from you.